Bluewater Clinical Research Group works with specialist physicians, family physicians, nurse practitioners, and their patients to provide leading-edge clinical research to the Sarnia-Lambton area. Many people are surprised to find that clinical research is being conducted in their community. But in fact, this is exactly how research is performed - by carefully identifying and recruiting eligible volunteers within communities just like ours, to take part in clinical trials.

     Most probably imagine research participants attending a large research centre, hospital or laboratory in a major city. Although this is sometimes true, volunteers are recruited from all walks of life and from communities both large and small. Often, a patient may be approached by their family doctor who may feel that he or she would be a good candidate to participate in a particular research study.

what is a clinical trial?

     Clinical Trials are integral to furthering the treatment options available for various conditions. These research studies explore the safety and efficacy of different treatments and devices, and also medical strategies or approaches. Clinical trials involving humans come after a long and vigilant research process. Clinical research advances our medical knowledge, as well as patient care. We take the utmost pride in ensuring that our patients receive the highest quality of care.

     Below is a great video that quickly explains the phases of clinical trials. The video specifies cancer treatments, however, all medications must go through these phases before becoming publicly available.

Watch this animation to learn about the three main phases of clinical trials. Clinical trials are research studies that involve people. Understanding what they are can help you decide if a clinical trial might be an option for you or a loved one.


What We've Achieved

  • Our partnership has been involved in over 100 clinical trials involving over 1000 study volunteers.
  • Our research has contributed to the approval and widespread use of medications for multiple conditions.

we couldn't have done it without you!