Trigeminal Neuralgia

The trigeminal nerve is a nerve that brings sensation from your face to your brain. In trigeminal neuralgia, the trigeminal nerve is impaired such that even a small touch to the face can send bursts of excruciating pain across the cheeks or chin. Although each episode may last for only a few moments, the episodes can present in clusters, making the condition extremely debilitating.

Current medications used to treat trigeminal neuralgia only provide a modest relief of pain and have many harmful side effects. At Bluewater Clinical Research Group, we are proud to be contributing to finding a safe and effective treatment for trigeminal neuralgia.

Clinical research studies can have varying criteria to participate in them. We will be contacting you to discuss the inclusion and exclusion criteria for this study to help us determine if you qualify and if the study may be a good fit for you.