Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

We are recruiting participants for a phase 3 study to evaluate a vaccine for Cytomegalovirus, also called CMV,

in healthy female participants 16-40 years old.

CMV is a common viral infection that usually goes unnoticed or only causes mild symptoms in most people.

If a woman becomes infected with CMV while she is pregnant, she can pass the infection to her unborn baby. This can cause her child to suffer long-term disability due to birth defects, including hearing loss, or even death in very severe cases. Currently, there is no approved vaccine against this devastating virus. That is why it is so important that we work together to make sure investigational vaccines are safe and effective to protect the most vulnerable against infection.

This clinical trial would require 14 clinic visits and approximately 21 telephone calls, including completion of electronic diary safety checks, over approximately 2.5 years (30 months).

To find out more information regarding this clinical trial, or to see if you or a loved one qualify, please complete the required form below and one of our clinical team members will be in touch with you.