Refer a Friend!

Please help us to inform others about important clinical research taking place in your community.


Currently Enrolling Studies:



Influenza A

Diabetes Mellitus


Anemia (of Chronic Kidney Disease)

Diabetic Kidney Disease



Patient volunteers are truly the cornerstone of clinical research and we value each and every patient's decision to take the time to participate in a clinical study with us.

At Bluewater Clinical Research Group, we believe in creating an exceptional patient experience.What better way to share your experience with Bluewater Clinical Research Group, than to refer a friend or family member to us. Our Refer a Friend program allows you to do just that! We always have ongoing studies in a variety of areas of patient health. Please take a moment to consider your friends and family and if a clinical study could be an option for them.

If you refer a friend or family member to us, we will do our very best to provide the same exceptional experience that we hope you have experienced with us. In addition, if your friends enrolls in a study, as small token of our appreciation, you will receive $100. There is no limit to the number of friends you can refer!

You do not even have to be a current patient to participate in the Refer a Friend program. You can refer someone regardless of whether or not you participated in a study.

Thank you for taking the time to consider referring a friend or loved one to us. Feel free to direct your friend to our website or have them call us directly, and be sure that they provide your name too!