

Depression is a mood disorder that is caused by continuous feelings of sadness and loss of interest for a prolonged period of time. There is no single cause for depression, but common risk factors for depression include a family history of depression, major stress or trauma, chemical imbalances in the brain and in the endocrine system, and certain physical illnesses or medications. Each year, 1 in 5 Canadians will experience a mental health problem and about 8% of adults will experience major depression in their lifetime. Depression is a real illness that cannot go away easily and can affect anyone at any time. This illness threatens individual's mentally, physically, and emotionally, and is a common cause of suicide.

Common signs of depression may include any of the following: feelings of sadness and hopelessness, angry outbursts and irritability, loss of interest and pleasure in everyday activities, lack of energy, and trouble thinking or concentrating. These symptoms are often drastic enough to cause sudden problems in day-to-day activities, such as eating, sleeping, working, or attending extracurricular activities.

At Bluewater Clinical Research Group, we are proud to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and treatment of depression. We are currently enrolling patients with a diagnosis of depression that are currently taking an antidepressant medication but still feel that their systems are not well controlled.

To join our contact list should a depression trial be enrolling, please fill out the form below.