Endometriosis is a painful disorder that causes chronic pelvic pain which originates in the tissue lining of the uterus also known as the endometrium.  For women at the reproductive age, the uterus is lined by the endometrium which sheds tissue with every menstrual cycle. Women that are diagnosed with endometriosis have the endometrium not only lining the uterus, but also outside of the uterus. These clumps of tissue that form on the ovaries, Fallopian tubes and pelvic area are called implants. Similar to the menstrual cycle, these implants on the outside of the uterus thicken, break down, and bleed causing painful period cramps, and in some cases infertility. There is no way for the displaced endometrium to leave the body and this can cause inflammation and scarring -- which is responsible for the painful symptoms of endometriosis.

Specific symptoms and the experience of endometriosis is unique to each individual woman who has been diagnosed. The severity of pain can vary between women and does not necessarily reflect the severity of the condition. Some women may go undiagnosed until they undergo a surgery for another ailment or discover fertility issues. Symptoms of endometriosis can include: painful periods, pain with sexual activity, bowel movements or urination, and infertility. In order to be diagnosed with endometriosis, some women undergo a surgical procedure called a laparoscopy. During a laparoscopy, a small scope is inserted into the abdomen to examine inner tissue.

Endometriosis is a complex condition that affects approximately 1 in 10 women. Although the causes of this disorder are unknown and there is no cure, there are treatment options available to help women manage the pain. We are happy to contribute to the advancement of endometriosis pain management and are looking for volunteers with endometriosis diagnosed by laparoscopy for a new clinical trial.

To find out more, or see if you may qualify, please provide us with your contact information and one of our enrollment facilitators will be happy to get in touch with you. As everyone has different schedules, we may even text you to set up a good time to talk.

Clinical research studies can have varying criteria to participate in them. We will be contacting you to discuss the inclusion and exclusion criteria for this study to help us determine if you qualify and if the study may be a good fit for you.