Statin Intolerance (Hypertriglyceridemia)


Hypertriglyceridemia is the term used to describe an elevated level of triglycerides in the bloodstream; which can increase the risk of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD).  Triglycerides come from two sources: the food that we eat and our body’s natural production to provide a source of energy.  Hypertriglyceridemia occurs when there is an excess of triglycerides in the body and is often made worse by things like obesity, poorly controlled diabetes, and a sedentary lifestyle.  

Although triglycerides do not directly cause the fatty deposits that occur within artery walls, triglyceride-rich particles may add to the formation of plaques.  Often those with hypertriglyceridemia have other lipid disorders or risk factors associated with heart disease and stroke, which include obesity and metabolic syndrome (ie. High blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess fat around the waist area, and abnormal cholesterol levels). Triglyceride levels often increase with age, but some of the risk factors listed above can accelerate elevated triglyceride levels.  A simple blood test can determine whether or not someone has high trigylcerides. 

Clinical research is currently being conducted to help find potential treatment options for those with hypertriglyceridemia. Bluewater Clinical Research Group is proud to help contribute to this research and are actively looking for individuals with high triglycerides so that we may help to improve the quality of life and outcomes for individuals with hypertriglyceridemia.

To find out more, or see if you may qualify, please provide us with your contact information and one of our enrollment facilitators will be happy to get in touch with you. As everyone has different schedules, we may even text you to set up a good time to talk.

Clinical research studies can have varying criteria to participate in them. We will be contacting you to discuss the inclusion and exclusion criteria for this study to help us determine if you qualify and if the study may be a good fit for you.